Book Reviews, Students Quilts and Trip to Florida

“Moon Over Manifest” by Clare Vanderpool  is classified as children’s fiction.  Since it was highly recommended I thought I’d give it a try and I’m so glad I did.  I really enjoyed this book.  The story starts as Abilene Tucker is on a train by herself going to live with friends of her father while he is working on a train job.  Abilene has been on trains before with her father and knows that jumping off prior to your stop allows you to check out the lay of the land, so she does just that.  She jumps off outside of Manifest, Kansas.  When she gets settled in Abilene finds a cigar box full of mementos.  Abilene meets some young girls her age and they develop a relationship while trying to find out more about the box of mementos.  I too would highly recommend this sweet book.

(MOON OVER MANIFEST) by Vanderpool, Clare(Author)Library Binding{Moon Over Manifest} on12-Oct-2010


My next read was  “Secret Servant” by Danial Silva. It is a mystery/thriller.  Numerous people have recommended Danial Silva to me but I think this is the first book of his that I have read. Gabriel Allon, a reoccurring character in Silva’s novels,  is an officer in the Israeli Intelligence and an art restorer, is sent on what should have been a simple assignment to Amsterdam.  It leads him into the Islamic Underground and to a kidnapping.  I had a little trouble getting into this book as I was unfamiliar with the characters, but once I got into it I was hooked.  I have downloaded some more of his books to read so that tells you something.

The Secret Servant


“French Lessons” by Ellen Sussman was next on my list.  The premise of the book is a single day in Paris and how it changes the lives of three Americans as they set off to explore the city with a French tutor.  Josie is a young high school teacher who came to Paris to heal a broken heart.  Riley, an expat housewife is struggling to reconnect with her husband.  Jeremy is the husband of a renowned actress and is accompanying his wife on a film shoot.  The lives of the three tutors come into play also which made this a very interesting read.  There are some sexually explicit parts.  Just so you know.

French Lessons


Diane Klassen took my “Ocean Sunrise” class on the recent Panama Canal cruise and emailed me these two photos.  She had her quilt finished within a short time of returning home.

And she said her cat, Smudge, loves the quilt!  And Smudge is so darn cute.


My travels this past week took me to two, Tampa area guilds.  First I visited the Cypress Creek Quilters.  I had taught for this guild about 3 years ago and love it when I get invited back.  First we did a hand applique workshop.  Here are some of the ladies hard at work.

And then the next day I taught a machine applique workshop, Oriental Flowers.

I met Cathleene Tokish when I last visited the Cypress Creek Quilters.  This past fall Cathleene opened her own quilt shop.  Being a previous quilt shop owner I wanted to see Cathleene’s new shop, Sweet Darling Quilt Shop, named after her granddaughter. Looks inviting from the outside.

Here are some views of the inside of the shop. Great fabric selection.

Nice displays all over the shop.

If you are ever in the vicinity of Lutz, Florida I would suggest you make a side trip to Sweet Darling Quilt Shop.

I then made my way to the Heart N’ Hand quilt guild in Crystal River, Florida.  Judy picked me up and we had a very nice drive.  I had a great time and liked everyone from this small applique guild of 27 members.  I was having such a wonderful time that I forgot to take photos. I hope they forgive me as  I hate it when I forget.  So sorry ladies.  Just know that I had a fabulous time and was treated very well and would love to go back again.

Then I went back to Cypress Creek to give a lecture.  The president of the guild, Jeanie, is also the person who picked me up at the airport.  Jeanie is one wonderful and fun person.  Jeanie had the ladies in the guild wear funny St. Patrick’s Day themed hats and had them parade around the room to get the meeting started.  Then the guild voted by applause for their favorite and a prize was awarded.  It was a great way to start the meeting and made everyone laugh.

And here’s…..Jeanie

What a fun group.

Some of the ladies even had their blocks finished from the machine applique workshop.

This coming week is the AQS show in Lancaster, PA.  Maybe I’ll see some of you there.


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