Quilting Buddies

The other day I received this amazing email from Teresa Wong.

I’ve attached a photo of my friend and I (Amy Gurghigian-pictured on the left) with 2 quilt tops we recently finished.  I thought you’d like to know that we NEVER would have attempted such a complicated applique as this had we not taken your class.  We started these tops in December-just a few weeks after taking your October Houston class and we both had so much fun doing this.  A whole new world of quilts are now open to us since we know how to applique.  Thank you!”

I wrote to Amy and asked her if I could include this great photo of  “Quilt Buddies” in my blog.  Aren’t quilting friends just the best?  Teresa told me that Amy had been quilting for some time before she taught Amy to quilt about 15 years ago.  They had done a little applique but were not happy with their results.  They have been attending the International Quilt Festival, www.quilts.com, for about ten years but had never taken any classes.  Last year they decided to take an applique class with me and as Teresa says “we both loved it.”  Shortly after the class the girls found a Kaffe Fasset book and were amazed by this quilt.  They bought the book and “a ton of Kaffe Fasset fabrics–and went to work“.  The pattern is called “Hearts and Flowers”.

Teresa said “We would never have attempted an applique pattern this intricate if we hadn’t taken your class.  Your methods produce great edges and it is so doable.  Plus we both have a set of your Perfect Circles too, which are great, because you can see there are tons of circles on this pattern!  We’re hooked.”

Amy and Teresa,  thanks so much for sharing.

This is why I love to teach.

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